Holy Communion (Common Worship)
Our weekly service of Holy Communion using the Common Worship Book.
Holy Communion
Our weekly service of Holy Communion using the book of Common Worship
There will be not service at St Edward’s today – Join us at Church Knowle
This week, the Corfe Valley Churches service of Holy Communion using the book of Common Worship will be held at St Peter's Church, Church Knowle. Do join us there!
Holy Communion
Our weekly service of Holy Communion using the book of Common Worship
Christmas Morning Worship
A service of Morning Worship for all the family
Morning Prayer
A service of Morning Prayer led by the Worship Team
Service of Lessons and Carols
Our annual service of lessons and carols the final Sunday of Advent
Christingle Service
Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope. Do join us. There will be a retiring collection in aid of the work of the Children's Society
Midnight Communion
Our communion service marking the start of Christmas Day
New Year’s Day Service at Kingston
There will be no service at St Edward's on the 1st January. Please join us at the Benefice Holy Communion service at St James' Kingston