Valley Parishes Communion (Common Worship)
Epiphany Ephesians 3: 1-12 Matthew 2: 1-12
First Sunday in School
Informal worship and tea & cake in the school hall. Car parking available and level access
Parish Communion (BCP)
Baptism of Christ Isaiah 42; 1-9 Matthew 3; 13-end
Parish Communion (Common Worship)
2nd Sunday of Epiphany 1 Corinthians 1; 1-9 John 1; 29-42
Parish Communion (BCP)
3rd Sunday of Epiphany 1 Corinthians 1; 10-18 Matthew 4: 12-23
No service in St Edward’s – join us at St James’, Kingston
We are continuing our journey with our friends in the new Benefice of St Aldhelm's with a service for the congregations of all our churches with a joint service at St James' in Kingston. Please come along and join us. Please note the start time of 09:30 The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Hebrews […]
First Sunday in School
Informal worship and tea & cake in the school hall. Car parking available and level access