Virtual Quiz Night
We are holding our annual Quiz Night online at 7pm on Friday 5th February There will be teams of up to 4 and we will ask for a donation of £10 from each team. Your team can come from anywhere in the locality, nationally or even internationally(!), and a team can be split between locations. […]
Zoom Morning Prayer
Whilst the churches in the Benefice have suspended services in the buildings (as a result of tighter Covid precautions) we are holding an interactive service online on Sunday mornings.
Easter Sunday Communion
We will be holding a service of Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. The number of seats is limited by the need for social distancing, so there is a small possibility that we may run out! If that is the case, we deeply apologise for needing to turn people away
Holy Communion
A service of Holy Communion using the Common Worship format.
Holy Communion
A service of Holy Communion using the Common Worship format.
Online Quiz
Following the success of our first experiment with an on line quiz, we are holding another! The event is for teams of up to four, but if you can't make up a team, we can match you up with others. For details, email
Holy Communion
A service of Holy Communion using the Common Worship format.
Holy Communion (Common Worship)
A service of Holy Communion using the contemporary setting from the Common Worship book.
Holy Communion (Common Worship)
A service of Holy Communion using the contemporary setting from the Common Worship book.
Holy Communion (Common Worship)
A service of Holy Communion using the contemporary setting from the Common Worship book.