Christmas Morning Communion
A service to mark Christmas morning. This is our only service in St Edward's this Christmas tide as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions. We have a limited number of seats because of the requirement for distancing, so please arrive in good time. If the service is over-subscribed, we may have to turn people away.
Benefice Communion – St James’ Kingston
There is only one service in the Benefice today - it is at St James' Church, Kingston.
Holy Communion
Our Epiphany service of Holy Communion - Common Worship We hope to be able to stream this service on YouTube - details will be posted when all is set up.
Morning Prayer (Zoom only)
A Zoom service of morning prayer for the whole Benefice. Details of the link will be posted once available.
Morning Prayer (Zoom)
Whilst the churches in the Benefice have suspended services in the buildings (as a result of tighter Covid precautions) we are holding an interactive service online on Sunday mornings.
Morning Prayer
Whilst the churches in the Benefice have suspended services in the buildings (as a result of tighter Covid precautions) we are holding an interactive service online on Wednesday mornings.
Virtual Coffee Morning
An opportunity to be sociable from your own home - this is a Zoom meeting where we can all catch up in these difficult times. If you would like to to join us, please email and we will send you the Zoom link.
Virtual Quiz Night
We are holding our annual Quiz Night online at 7pm on Friday 5th February There will be teams of up to 4 and we will ask for a donation of £10 from each team. Your team can come from anywhere in the locality, nationally or even internationally(!), and a team can be split between locations. […]
Zoom Morning Prayer
Whilst the churches in the Benefice have suspended services in the buildings (as a result of tighter Covid precautions) we are holding an interactive service online on Sunday mornings.
Easter Sunday Communion
We will be holding a service of Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. The number of seats is limited by the need for social distancing, so there is a small possibility that we may run out! If that is the case, we deeply apologise for needing to turn people away