Valley Parishes Communion (Common Worship)
1st Sunday of Advent This service will be lead by the Right Reverend Karen Gorham, the Bishop of Sherborne Romans 13: 11 - 14 Matthew 24: 36 - 44
First Sunday in School (new location – see below)
Informal worship and tea & cake in the school hall. Car parking available and level access STOP PRESS - Due to faults with the school's fire alarm system, the service will be held in Nigel and Gillie Humphries' house - 142 East Street
Matins (BCP)
2nd Sunday of Advent Romans 15: 4-13 Matthew 3: 1-12
Parish Communion (Common Worship)
3rd Sunday of Advent James 5: 7-10 Matthew 11: 2-11
Holy Communion (BCP)
4th Sunday of Advent
Carol Service
4th Sunday of Advent Romans 1: 1-7 Matthew 1: 18-25
Christingle Service
The celebration is named after the Christingles that are lit during the service. Christingles are made from an orange decorated with red tape, sweets and a candle. They have been part of The Children's Society tradition for the last 50 years. We will be holding a collection to support the important work of the Society […]
Family Worship
Christmas Day Hebrews 1: 1-4 John 1: 1-14