Coffee Morning and Craft Fair

We are very pleased to say our Spring craft and coffee morning is to be held in Well Court (22 West Street).  It is a particularly special building in a row of  listed homes.  Some parts date back to the Civil War and John Wesley preached there in the 18th Century.  More recently, it was […]

Holy Communion

Our weekly service of Holy Communion using the book of Common Worship

Holy Communion

Our weekly service of Holy Communion using the book of Common Worship

Carols for Everyone

A concert of Christmas Music featuring the Wareham Town Band, Children from Corfe Castle Primary School, St Edward's Singers and, most importantly, yourselves.  Come along and join the enthusiastic singing of our Christmas favourites. There will be a retiring collection in aid of the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

Morning Prayer

A service of Morning Prayer led by the Worship Team

Christingle Service

Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope. Do join us. There will be a retiring collection in aid of the work of the Children's Society

Midnight Communion

Our communion service marking the start of Christmas Day