Morning Prayer – Zoom Service

The main on-line Benefice Service during this time of Covid-19 restrictions - details of log in can be found on the Benefice website -

Sunday Evensong

An on line service uniting all of the St Aldhelm's Benefice is taking place each Sunday. Please find a link to the service on our Benefice website: This service will mark Remembrance Sunday. There will be a ceremony at the village war memorial marking the two minutes silence, but the Government is discouraging the general public from attending, instead recommending that people pay their respects on their doorsteps.

Sunday Morning Prayer

An on line service uniting all of the St Aldhelm's Benefice is taking place each Sunday. Please find a link to the service on our Benefice website: This is because the church building is closed for the November lock-down.

Sunday Morning Prayer

An on line service uniting all of the St Aldhelm's Benefice is taking place each Sunday. Please find a link to the service on our Benefice website: This is because the church building is closed for the November lock-down.

Sunday Morning Service

An on line service uniting all of the St Aldhelm's Benefice is taking place each Sunday. Please find a link to the service on our Benefice website: This is because the church building is closed for the November lock-down.

Holy Communion

Our weekly church service during the Covid-19 restrictions